
Sri Rama Mahadarshana


After Composing Buddha Mahadarshana, Yesu Mahadarshana , Basava MahaDarshana and Mahaveer Darshana, four epics, Dr. Latha Rajashekhar wrote SRI RAMA MAHADARSHANA as her fifth epic with which she has fulfilled her vow of writing five epics of in honour of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the presiding deity of the Language Kannada. This is a record in world Literature.



After Composing Buddha Mahadarshana, Yesu Mahadarshana , Basava MahaDarshana and Mahaveer Darshana, four epics, Dr. Latha Rajashekhar wrote SRI RAMA MAHADARSHANA as her fifth epic with which she has fulfilled her vow of writing five epics of in honour of Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the presiding deity of the Language Kannada. This is a record in world Literature.

Sri Rama Mahadarshana spreads over 1032 pages consisting of seven books (Samputa’s) i.e Sri Avathara Samputa, Sri Ayodhaya Samputa, Sri Aranya Samputa, SriKishkindha Samputha, Sri Sundara Samputa , Sri Lanka Samputa and sri mangala Samputa and the story runs through 205 chapters and thus the work as a whole is vast and verily monumental. In the story of Rama, human desires, wordly aspirations, likes and dislikes of human kind and the culminating longings of human psyche are the issues which preoccupy the poet’s deliberations. Truth, sacrifice, nobility, character, moral values, kindness and commitment as a delineated in this work win over all other considerations.

Rama is the chief protagonist of this work. He is most idealistic. His virtues are exemplary. By way of honouring his father’s command he achieves something exceptionally great that mankind can hardly think of repeating such a feat! Similarly, in this work, all other characters are portrayed in keeping with the expectations of an epic. On the one hand some characters are heroic and on the other some are villainous, consequently there ensues the inevitable conflict between the good and bad. The Poet has successfuly waded through a maze of characters and events which eventually transform this work into a magnificent one. The style of the work resembles the grace of Mysore-silk, the language is simple but dignified and the presentation is heart-warming. All the ingredients that one expects in an epc are found aplenty here.


Dr. Latha Rajashekhar has in recent years drawn attention of our people as a writer. A poet by birth she has written this epic poem in a style that is simple and lucid to be understood by any reader which is really admirable. By writing similar works on the Buddha, Christ, Basavanna and Mahavira she has won the appreciations of the lay and the learned alike.

-Padmabhushana, Karnataka Ratna, Dr. Veerendra Heggade

Having already composed five epics and thus accomplished the ideal of religious equality by way of creating a kind of divine environment Dr. Latha Rajashekhar proved herself a poet of rare gift and a wonder in the literary firmament. In the whole world there aren’t any poets with five epics to their credit with the exception of Dr. Latha RajaShekhar herself who has written on the stalwarts of the world religions. Doing so she has achieved something unprecedented and thus earned lasting fame.

-Karnataka Ratna, Nadoja, Dr. De.Ja.Gow.

Like the sparkling crystal and the dazzling day light this work will last for ever as a work of great merit.

-Dr. Gurulinga Kapase.

Like her other epics Dr. Latha’s Mahadarshana too will become widely popular.

-Dr. G.S.Amoora

The nectar like Rama’s name has been offered by Dr. Latha mixing it with the curd of moonlight, cream of the morning light and honey and jaggery.


By way of offering the artistically cut diamond called Sri Rama Mahadarshana as a gift to the land of Bharatha, Dr.Latha has decorated the Mount Himalayas of Rama’s story with the crown of her work.
